Our Philosophy

At Step by Step, learning isn’t purely intellectual. It’s physical, social, emotional and spiritual, too. A unique blend of strong academics, arts, faith and service; hands-on and experiential. It definitely isn’t confined to just a classroom.

Learning takes on several forms here. Sometimes it’s a teacher working with a group of students. Other times it’s two students paired together on a project. It can also take the form of a field trip that is full integrated into classroom study. This kind of flexibility enables our students to confidently respond to ideas – and express their own. There is space to learn and grow. Curiosity is activated. Creativity is unleashed.

What is especially unique about SSIS educational philosophy is that it defies categorization. We don’t subscribe to a single discipline. Instead we have created something organic, incorporating the best practices from different educational approaches like Constructivist Education, Progressive Education, Theme based Curriculum, Inquiry Based Learning, Experiential Learning, Multiple Intelligences Theory.


To create an excellent educational institution, with the highest quality of teaching-learning culture, preparing a well-rounded personality for our society and leaders for tomorrow.



To inspire learners to inquire, understand and reflect, through teaching and learning, in an inclusive and safe environment.